Friday 2 December 2011

Kapahaka ki te Whare Tapere ki Rotorua

Kia ora Kowhai whanau,

I'd like to mihi or to thank you all for supporting your tamariki during the superb performance at the Rotorua Convention Centre yesterday.
It was truly a wonderful night full of intensity, passion, and excitement.
It is a awesome feeling when our tamariki stand before the whanau to represent you, them and our school. I know all of our tamariki thoroughly enjoyed themselves last night and anticipate next years festival peformance to be as superb as this years.
I'd also like to thank my brother Matua Ropata and his beautiful wife Whaea Tutu for coming into our little kura and supporting us in our kapahaka journey.
Na reira te whanau kaore he mutunga o nga mihi aroha, nga mihi nunui ki taku tungane raua ko taku taokete mo to raua mahi miharo i te taha o tatou tamariki ki te mahi kapahaka, ki a koutou nga whanau, nga tumuaki, nga kaiako, me nga kaitautoko katoa i tae atu ki te Whare Tapere ki Rotorua ki te tautoko me te matakitaki i nga tamariki.
Heoi ano ko te mihi nunui rawa atu ko tera ki a tatou tamariki katoa o te Kura o Totera, otira ki "Te Ruma Kowhai" i whakapau kaha ki te waiata, ki te haka, ki te tu hei tira mo ta matou ruma, me nga whanau whanui.

Naku noa, na Whaea Lisa

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